
WCN-306 series


Part NumberEmitting ColorLens ColorWavelength Dominant   Forward VoltageLuminous Intensity
λD(nm)  (TYP.)Vf(V)   (TYP.)IV(mcd) (TYP.)

WCN-306HR1-50N A0.pdf

RedWater Clear6252.1 1100

WCN-306HR2-50N-1 A0.pdf

RedDiffused Iens6402.120

WCN-306HR3-50N A0.pdf

RedClear lens with tint6252.11000

WCN-306HR4-50N-1 A0.pdf

RedDiffused lens with tint6402.120

WCN-306HO1-50N A0.pdf

OrangeWater Clear6052.11100

WCN-306HO2-50N A0.pdf

OrangeDiffused Iens6052.130

WCN-306HO3-50N A0.pdf

OrangeClear lens with tint6052.11000

WCN-306HO4-50N A0.pdf

OrangeDiffused lens with tint6052.130

WCN-306HY1-50N A0.pdf

YellowWater Clear5902.12000

WCN-306HY2-50N A0.pdf

YellowDiffused Iens5902.120

WCN-306HY3-50N A0.pdf

YellowClear lens with tint5902.11800

WCN-306HY4-50N-1 A0.pdf

YellowDiffused lens with tint5902.120

WCN-306YG1-50N A0.pdf

Yellow GreenWater Clear5702.1350

WCN-306YG2-50N A0.pdf

Yellow GreenDiffused Iens5702.115

WCN-306YG3-50N A0.pdf

Yellow GreenClear lens with tint5702.1300

WCN-306YG4-50N-1 A0.pdf

Yellow GreenDiffused lens with tint5702.115

WCN-306PG1-50N A0.pdf

Pure GreenWater Clear5253.112000

WCN-306PG2-50N-1 A0.pdf

Pure GreenDiffused Iens5253.1300

WCN-306PG3-50N A0.pdf

Pure GreenClear lens with tint5253.112000

WCN-306PG4-50N A0.pdf

Pure GreenDiffused lens with tint5253.1300

WCN-306CB1-50N A0.pdf

BlueWater Clear4703.14400

WCN-306CB2-50N-1 A0.pdf

BlueDiffused Iens4703.1100

WCN-306CB3-50N A0.pdf

BlueClear lens with tint4703.14000

WCN-306CB4-50N A0.pdf

BlueDiffused lens with tint4703.1100

WCN-306WW1-50N A0.pdf

Warm WhiteWater Clear(0.40,0.38)3.19000

WCN-306WW2-50N-1 A0.pdf

Warm WhiteDiffused Iens(0.40,0.38)3.1200

WCN-306NW1-50N A0.pdf

Natural WhiteWater Clear(0.30,0.30)3.19000

WCN-306NW2-50N A0.pdf

Natural WhiteDiffused Iens(0.30,0.30)3.1200

WCN-306CW1-50N A0.pdf

Cold  WhiteWater Clear(0.25,0.23)3.19000

WCN-306CW2-50N A0.pdf

Cold  WhiteDiffused Iens(0.25,0.23)3.1200

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